Oyé oyé, La police nous fait chier, intimide et tue. Une camarade trans s’est fait arrêtée avec un feu d’artifice dans le cadre de la manifestation anticapitaliste du 1er mai 2021 et l’État confond visiblement un feu d’artifice avec une arme à feu, puisque celle-ci risque la prison. La judiciarisation de cette camarade est particulièrement inquiétante, elle risque de créer un dangereux précédent quant aux conséquences légales d’utiliser des feux d’artifice en manifestation.
Both police and prisons are institutions set up to maintain a capitalist and racist social order. Whether it's the commission of inquiry into the SQ after the Oka crisis, or the one following the 2012 student strike, there are always recommendations to restructure organizations or re-evaluate the use of this or that type of weapon. While the list of victims of police services and prisons grows longer in Quebec and elsewhere, the idea of investigations and reforms is still being bandied about. Worse, some are calling for more training or technological gadgets like cameras, which would only increase police budgets. If the current American crisis has taught us anything, it's that cameras are useless: Ahmaud Arbery's death was filmed, but it was only when the public rose up against the police, prosecutors and judges who tried to sweep the case under the carpet that the murderers were arrested. George Floyd's death was filmed, but it was only after three days of protests that charges were laid, initially against just one of the police officers involved. The total impunity of the police and the massive injustice of the prison system will not be solved by yet another reform. This impunity must be addressed by abolishing these institutions.
Vous êtes invité-e-s au lancement de “Mauvais coup", le journal officiel de la CLAC pour le 1er mai 2023. Le tout se passera au Centre Social Anarchiste de l'Achoppe le 30 mars à partir de 19:00.
Au menu: Présentation du journal suivie d'interventions des groupes Ben Trop Cher! et SLAM-MATU, qui y ont collaboré, activités ludiques et musique militante!
Y’all are invited on March 30th to the launch of “Mauvais coup”, the 2023 edition of the CLAC’s journal May 1st. The event will be held on March 30, at the Achoppe anarchist social center, beginning à 7PM.
There will be a presentation of the journal, interventions by Ben trop cher! and SLAM-MATU who collaborated in the journal, fun games and activist music!
We will also distribute posters and flyers for the mayday anticapitalist demo.
The Legal Self-Defense Committee of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) is getting its Legal Self-Defense Fund back together. The fund aims to support people who are victims of police or legal repression for alleged acts committed in the context of individual or collective actions with an anti-capitalist, feminist, anti-colonial or anti-racist scope.
This episode addresses the question of transformative justice, its origins, and how it is currently applied in certain communities. It show us how we can take action in a constructive manner to make police obsolete here and now, and not just act toward police abolition. It helps see what a world without police and state justice system might look like.
While the situation in Canada is less catastrophic than in other parts of the world, we are all feeling the weight of increasingly worrisome inflation. Prices are rising faster than wages and we are left with no real leverage to act on the situation. In the neoliberal order, the bourgeois do what they want and people suffer without saying a word. Rents, groceries and transport are an increasing burden on us, and it is a safe bet that things will not get any better.
Manifestation mercredi 7 décembre au matin! 3 départs:
Through this solidarity struggle, it has become clear that as a radical community, we need to stand in solidarity with the kanien'kehá:ka kahnistensera.
Because these traditionalist activists from Kahnawa:ke have been fighting for the last fifty years for the sovereignty of their people.