Saturday, April 6th, 2013
From 6PM on
(2035, St-Laurent Blvd., 3rd floor)
As part of its Ostie de crosseurs (Fucking crooks!) campaign, CLAC invites you to celebrate the unveiling of our 7th crosseur of 2013: Cardinal Marc Ouellet, his Church and the whole goddamn Vatican! Not only will it be fun
to get together to share our disgust of this gross, patriarchal, racist, capitalist and obscurantist institution, you will also be able to contribute some money to our next crosseur hitjob.
On the programme this evening:
- Drinks: (bring you own chalice!) and snacks (holy wafers leftovers!)
- Tunes: anti-religious music for the occasion (metal, punk, death, etc.)
- Sacrilege: bring your religious symbols and artifacts for a collective session of destructive frenzy!
Atheists, agnostics, sceptics and miscreants of all strides, come to the Sabbath!