Hey !
You are invited to a launch of three new zines pulled out of the podcast the Whole Orchard by CLAC this Thursday October 3rd at 6PM, at Café Philanthrope de l'UQAM (N-S1100, we'll put up some posters with arrows). ❗️❗️❗️☕
The three zines launched will be:
Vous êtes invité-e-s au lancement de “Mauvais coup", le journal officiel de la CLAC pour le 1er mai 2023. Le tout se passera au Centre Social Anarchiste de l'Achoppe le 30 mars à partir de 19:00.
Au menu: Présentation du journal suivie d'interventions des groupes Ben Trop Cher! et SLAM-MATU, qui y ont collaboré, activités ludiques et musique militante!
Y’all are invited on March 30th to the launch of “Mauvais coup”, the 2023 edition of the CLAC’s journal May 1st. The event will be held on March 30, at the Achoppe anarchist social center, beginning à 7PM.
There will be a presentation of the journal, interventions by Ben trop cher! and SLAM-MATU who collaborated in the journal, fun games and activist music!
We will also distribute posters and flyers for the mayday anticapitalist demo.
The Legal Self-Defense Committee of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) is getting its Legal Self-Defense Fund back together. The fund aims to support people who are victims of police or legal repression for alleged acts committed in the context of individual or collective actions with an anti-capitalist, feminist, anti-colonial or anti-racist scope.
The second season of "The Whole Orchard" podcast will soon be available!
This year we'll talk about anticarceral feminism, police forces on indigenous territories & transformative justice, amongst other subjects. Until then, you can listen to the five episodes of the 1st season by searching "Le verger au Complet" on your favorite podcast platform or by going to the web site
The Anticapitalist Convergence (Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes, CLAC-"Montreal") now publishes its articles on the news platform, available at in addition to its own website. The objective of the project is to offer a mobilization platform for small and large collectives, and to avoid the repetitive effort necessary to produce and maintain various websites. In their own words:
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion about work with the following speakers:
Faced with mass media owners and other public opinion pundits, stack the odds in your favor! Meet us to pick up the CLAC's mobilization material for this year's anticapitalist MayDay... and come drink a beer in good company!
Lancement de brochure de la CLAC
Vendredi 11 mars 2016 à partir de 17h
DIRA 2035 St-Laurent (métro St-Laurent)
Rafraichissements sur place
Avis aux intéressé-e-s : apportez un objet qui représente pour vous le capitalisme et on pourra le détruire ensemble dans la joie!
Le comité Ostirité de la CLAC vous invite à une soirée de lancement de son journal pour l'année 2015 : "Coup de cochon". La soirée aura lieu au bar Yermad (901, de Maisonneuve E., métro Berri) le samedi 7 février à 19h. Cette soirée sera une occasion de discuter anticapitalisme avec les gens du comité. Le journal en format PDF est aussi disponible au
Saturday, April 6th, 2013
From 6PM on
(2035, St-Laurent Blvd., 3rd floor)
As part of its Ostie de crosseurs (Fucking crooks!) campaign, CLAC invites you to celebrate the unveiling of our 7th crosseur of 2013: Cardinal Marc Ouellet, his Church and the whole goddamn Vatican! Not only will it be fun
to get together to share our disgust of this gross, patriarchal, racist, capitalist and obscurantist institution, you will also be able to contribute some money to our next crosseur hitjob.
On the programme this evening:
- Drinks: (bring you own chalice!) and snacks (holy wafers leftovers!)
- Tunes: anti-religious music for the occasion (metal, punk, death, etc.)
- Sacrilege: bring your religious symbols and artifacts for a collective session of destructive frenzy!
Atheists, agnostics, sceptics and miscreants of all strides, come to the Sabbath!
Launch of the new CLAC Newspaper
CLAC (Anti-capitalist convergence) is warmly inviting you the the launch
of the fourth issue of its newspaper, the second in less than 6 months !
This edition is dedicated to coming student strike, and how to open and
connect it to other struggles !
We'll be welcoming you Thursday February 16 at the Yer Mad (901
de Maisonneuve East, Berri-Uqam Métro), from 5PM !
Welcome to all !
For more info: info @
Oyé ! Oyé ! Lancement du nouveau numéro du journal de la Clac-Montréal :Coup de torchon !
Le journal qui torche !
Coup de torchon |n. m. | loc.
Bagarre, combat, lutte individuelle ou collective, conflit, guerre, bataille ; se battre, se quereller, se disputer, combattre.
Vendredi le 16 septembre, à partir de 17h
Au Yer Mad ; 901, boul. de Maisonneuve Est (métro Berri)
Lancement de la Campagne « ostie d’racistes » des Apatrides Anonymes
5 à 7h
2035, boulevard Saint-Laurent (métro Saint-Laurent)
Les Apatrides anonymes vous invitent à un 5 à 7 prolongé pour le lancement officiel de la campagne « Ostie d’raciss » le jeudi 29 avril 2010 au DIRA (2035 St-Laurent, 3 ième étage).
Nous vous dévoilerons notre brochure «top 10 des plus pires » racistes du Québec et du Canada. Aussi, nous vous annoncerons les activités à venir de cette campagne-choc !