🧑🏫👩🏫Atelier de sécurité en manif de la CLAC et de D4P [English below]
En amont à la campagne Bloquons l’OTAN!, la CLAC et D4P vous invitent à un atelier de sécurité en manif le samedi 9 novembre à l’espace Les Révoltes (2035 St-Laurent) afin de rappeler des bonnes pratiques à avoir pour la grande manif du 22 novembre.
From November 22nd to 25th, NATO's parliamentary assembly will be in Montreal for its mortifying circus. From a military alliance during the Cold War, NATO has today become the armed wing of Western countries, imposing its bellicose policies throughout the world. Faced with these war profiteers, it is imperative that we make our voices heard and combat their destructive logic.
The impact of NATO on our policies is huge:
Le génocide palestinien n'a pas commencé le 7 octobre 2023. Il s'est aggravé, certes, mais il s'agit d'une guerre d'usure débutée en 1948 par l’entité sioniste, qui a toujours augmenté la pression, jusqu'au blocus de 2007, qui a coupé l'accès de Gaza à la mer. À partir de ce moment, les Gazaouis habitaient dans une prison à ciel ouvert, contrôlée par des points de contrôles même à l'intérieur de leur territoire, sans aucune possibilité de sortir. Lorsqu'iels ont construit des tunnels vers l'Égypte, les autorités israéliennes ont rapidement bloqué l'afflux de biens de subsistances.
Manifestation mercredi 7 décembre au matin! 3 départs:
Another big protest for climate, what's the point?
Of course it'll be nice to have as many people as there was in 2019, but in the end, even Greta couldn't make our governments change their policies. Well, ok, it falls a few days after the federal election, and we can hope that it can put some pressure on the bewly elected officials... But we know it won't: whoever is in power after the elections, nothing significant will be done, nothing significant has ever been done for climate in so-called Canada. Since the beginning of colonization, the State steals, exploits and destroys the land on which we live and which, ironically, ensure our survival.
Les ateliers se tiendront un samedi sur deux, a partir de la mi-juillet, à 19h dans la cour du DIRA (2035 Saint-Laurent): 17 juillet : Historique du rôle des infrastructures de transport et de communication dans le projet capitaliste colonial québécois 31 juillet : Réaménagement du territoire en cours et à venir : la stratégie maritime du Québec 14 aout : Résistances à la réorganisation urbaine, stratégies et pratiques
This past MayDay, like each year for over a century, was the International Workers' Day. Despite being confined, many people took action to redecorate the city. The situation might seem grim, but there are still a few positive observations we can make.
The air in our city is clearer that it has been for over a century. Oil consumption slows down and greenhouse gases production diminishes. For many people, being confined is an opportunity to review our unhealthy relationship with work within an hyperperformist and hyperproductivist society.
In these times of pandemic, capital kills more than ever. Workers are left without equipment in hospitals. Confinement falls upon us because our government did too little, too late. Rich landlords who brought the virus back from their latest trip are angered by a rent strike that their penniless tenants have no other choice but to partake in. The people dying right now are among the most vulnerable, from grocery store clerks, to delivery workers, prisoners, homeless folks, and undocumented migrants. All of this while the most fortunate get to work from home. Nevertheless, social distancing remains an important way to reduce transmission, and this is why WE WILL NOT MEET PHYSICALLY FOR A MAYDAY PROTEST. We will however try to make resistance as visible as possible, given the difficult context.
From the start, the Paris Conference aimed to take the year 1990 as a reference for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction. 1990 seemed like a critical point for many international observers, since it was a pivotal year for the world economy: it marked the increasing trend in factory delocalization toward countries like China, India or Mexico.
This text was originally written in French
During the latest September 27th climate demonstration, an irritated voice could be heard over the crowd saying: “Can we avoid mixing everything and just do a demonstration for the environment, without mentioning capitalism?”
Given the current situation, the day of workshops "Ecology, anticapitalism and resistance" planned for Saturday, March 28th at the SCPA is postponed to a future date. The date will be announced when it gets clearer what this future has in store for us.
May 1st was created out of workers' struggles leaded by immigrants. The struggle took place on this continent more than a hundred years ago. Today, globalized imperialist capitalism created conditions which forces millions of people to leave their home in order to find a refuge to survive. These millions of people are place in situations of extreme vulnerability, creating a stateless and exploitable population. According to an article published in the Devoir today, the risk to suffer from workplace accident causing severe wounds or death is twice as high for foreign workers.