Ceci est une invitation à un événement du FLIP, le Front de Libération pour un Immobilier Populaire.
On manque d'air, cibouère!
This past MayDay, like each year for over a century, was the International Workers' Day. Despite being confined, many people took action to redecorate the city. The situation might seem grim, but there are still a few positive observations we can make.
The air in our city is clearer that it has been for over a century. Oil consumption slows down and greenhouse gases production diminishes. For many people, being confined is an opportunity to review our unhealthy relationship with work within an hyperperformist and hyperproductivist society.
A banner that reads:
"Essential: Health workers, delivery people, cashiers
Non essential: Landlords, bankers, bosses
May Day 2020: Celebrate the workers. Destroy capitalism"
A banner that reads:
"Essential: Health workers, delivery people, cashiers
Non essential: Landlords, bankers, bosses
May Day 2020: Celebrate the workers. Destroy capitalism"
In these times of pandemic, capital kills more than ever. Workers are left without equipment in hospitals. Confinement falls upon us because our government did too little, too late. Rich landlords who brought the virus back from their latest trip are angered by a rent strike that their penniless tenants have no other choice but to partake in. The people dying right now are among the most vulnerable, from grocery store clerks, to delivery workers, prisoners, homeless folks, and undocumented migrants. All of this while the most fortunate get to work from home. Nevertheless, social distancing remains an important way to reduce transmission, and this is why WE WILL NOT MEET PHYSICALLY FOR A MAYDAY PROTEST. We will however try to make resistance as visible as possible, given the difficult context.
For immediate distribution.
Some CLAC activists built a house made from reused electoral campaign materials taken from a gentrified street of the Rosemont neighborhood, near the wreck of a derelict restaurant and a new condo building.
Perturbons l'assemblée annuelle des actionnaires de la Banque Nationale !
Le 6 novembre dernier, la CLAC est allée confronter les futurs crosseurs des HEC de l'Université de Montréal !
Bien que nous étions en petit nombre, la police et la sécurité nous ont barré le chemin en verrouillant la journée portes ouvertes !
There are one thousand and one reasons to shame the so-called "holiday spirit". Whether it's the charity fundraisers, Christmas jingles played on repeat *ad nauseam*, themed ads that make any piece of crap pass as a good deal, not to mention the gift shopping stampede.
vendredi 18:00 – 20:00
Dorchester Square (Peel and Rene Levesque), Peel Metro
-English below-
Résistez au Grand Prix Formule 1 et à la répression étatique
De Bahreïn à Montréal (une action de solidarité)
Vendredi 8 juin 2012, 18h00
Square Dorchester (coin Peel et René-Lévesque), Métro Peel
10 juin 2012
07:00 – 13:00
Combien de personnes le système de Métro peut transporter en une journée? Et si on décidait tous d'aller faire une balade sur l'Île Notre-Dame dimanche le jour du Grand Prix? Juste pour voir combien de personne peuvent entrer dans le métro?
En arrivant sur l'île vous pouvez virer de bord et puis recommencer. Juste pour le plaisir.