From November 22nd to 25th, NATO's parliamentary assembly will be in Montreal for its mortifying circus. From a military alliance during the Cold War, NATO has today become the armed wing of Western countries, imposing its bellicose policies throughout the world. Faced with these war profiteers, it is imperative that we make our voices heard and combat their destructive logic.
The impact of NATO on our policies is huge:
Les ateliers se tiendront un samedi sur deux, a partir de la mi-juillet, à 19h dans la cour du DIRA (2035 Saint-Laurent):
17 juillet : Historique du rôle des infrastructures de transport et de communication dans le projet capitaliste colonial québécois
31 juillet : Réaménagement du territoire en cours et à venir : la stratégie maritime du Québec
14 aout : Résistances à la réorganisation urbaine, stratégies et pratiques
Ecofascism is an ideology that merges neo-fascism with environmentalism. Ecofascists share many of the same concerns as radical leftist environmentalists in that they want to protect the Earth, as well as animals, from the ecological destruction that has been brought on by capitalism. Where they differ, of course, is that ecofascists aim to do so through tactics that spawn from racist and white supremacist principles.
This text was originally written in French
Intersectionality is mentioned in about all of social science literature nowadays. Typically, this concept shows the interdependent relation between generic situations and how different domination systems can overlap. Intersectionality is however, as it presents itself historically, an analytical tool developed especially with the aim to build an understandable holistic view of the critics of capitalism, patriarchy and racism. It is why this concept is so important for environmental struggles.
This text was originally written in French
Racialized people are victims of many forms of discrimination. For instance, during the 2016 census, the income of people reported as belonging to visible minorities was 30% lower than white people. Another example is the fact that polluting factories and city dumps are often found on land populated by Indigenous and racialized people. One may assume that capitalist developments simply prefer territory inhabited by poorer people, but wealth does not explain what is seen in the field. In practice, capitalist developments are often used as a pretext to enforce racist ideology. [1]
The fight against climate change must break out of its rut. It must also fight the system of borders which benefits certain lives more than others. It must crush this capitalist economy which is always looking to produce more, more and more. It must fight the migrant prison being built in Laval, in which children are raised behind bars. It must fight imperialism which forces countries of the South to produce for a pittance what we consume here in the North. It must fight white supremacy, whether it takes the form of neo-fascist militia, conservative talking heads, or colonial governments which impose their law on unceded native lands. It must fight those who benefit from poisoning the Earth and from the exploitation of our sisters and brothers.
May 1st was created out of workers' struggles leaded by immigrants. The struggle took place on this continent more than a hundred years ago. Today, globalized imperialist capitalism created conditions which forces millions of people to leave their home in order to find a refuge to survive. These millions of people are place in situations of extreme vulnerability, creating a stateless and exploitable population. According to an article published in the Devoir today, the risk to suffer from workplace accident causing severe wounds or death is twice as high for foreign workers.
Il y a une montée de l'extrême-droite au Québec depuis quelque temps et l'élection d'un gouvernement caquiste fait partie de cette vague. Sous le couvert de la "liberté d'expression", la classe politique ainsi que plusieurs journalistes, chroniqueurs et chroniqueuses répandent impunément des idées racistes, sexistes, homophobes et xénophobes, qui sont de plus en plus acceptées dans la population. Ce courant populiste se voit ici, aux États-Unis et un peu partout dans le monde. C'est l'ère de Trump, de Bolsanoro et de la CAQ.
Countries like Canada have devastated peoples' lives around the world. This has been done via direct military actions (Afghanistan), destabilization campaigns (Venezuela), and support for vicious proxy states (Israel). By far one of the most significant ways this happens is through the looting of the resources of much of the world, through “investments” and “development”, in peace and war alike.
Monday, February 25th, 2019, at the Hall building of Concordia University (1455 Maisonneuve W.), room H-110.
Join Cinema Politica Concordia for the Quebec premiere of the Emmy-winning documentary WHITE RIGHT: MEETING THE ENEMY, in which director Deeyah Khan meets with U.S. neo-Nazis & white nationalists and investigates the resurgence of far-right extremism in the country.
Last year, more than 168 groups from various sectors of society called for a mass protest against hate and racism. More than 2000 people took to the streets to denounce the rise of racism, hate and the far-right. The participating groups came together to reject the increasing discourse of hate and racism within Quebec’s public space, and called for a society without borders, based on solidarity and inclusion.
Now as before, they are rich because we are poor.
The financial masters of the Western world and seven of their political puppets will meet later this year at la Malbaie. They will fight to continue the exploitation of the global South and the pillaging of natural resources. The G7 will be a magnificient circus, paid for by our own exploitation. Paid by those who break themselves at work, by cut to social services, to education, to healthcare, to human dignity. A circus which will encourage free work given by unpaid internship, which will support the staggering profits of real estate moguls forcing us outside our homes. A circus whose sole goal is to promote an immoral statu quo. Imperialism and colonialism will be celebrated, at the expense of those who produce most of the world's wealth. But it is not too late to fight back.
C'est demain jeudi que commence la cinquième édition du Revolution Fest de Montréal !
3 jours de musique sous la bannière de l’anticapitalisme, de l’antifascisme et du féminisme!
Lancé pour la première fois à l’automne 2013 par le chapitre montréalais des Red and Anarchist SkinHeads (RASH) et du Montreal Sisterhood, le Revolution Fest se veut un festival annuel présentant des groupes de musiques et des activités à caractère politique. Ce festival se déroulant sur plusieurs journées dans la ville de Montréal, permet à l’ensemble de la gauche de se rassembler, et ce, dans un cadre festif et de faire la promotion d’une contre-culture vivante et radicalement opposée à toutes les formes que prend l’extrême droite.
Because, for the first time ever, the World Social Forum takes place in North America. This is an historic opportunity to see another side of modern capitalism: instead of seeing the poverty and exploitation of the Southern states, the attendees will be able to observe the wealth and decadence of the North.
Starting points: