As you probably know, many class action for arrests that happen between 2012 and 2015 have led to a deal with the city of Montréal in which 6 million dollors were given out to arrestees. And, what a coincidence, we are in many of those class action and we know that the cheques are starting to flow in.
The Legal Self-Defense Committee of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC) is getting its Legal Self-Defense Fund back together. The fund aims to support people who are victims of police or legal repression for alleged acts committed in the context of individual or collective actions with an anti-capitalist, feminist, anti-colonial or anti-racist scope.
Did you get arrested during the G20 in Toronto in June 2010 ?
If you did, you could receive a financial compensation because the Class Action filed by some of the arrestees was won. For more informations about the Class Action :
You have until February 16, 2021 to submit your claim on this website :
Si vous êtes arrêtéE lors de la manifestation du 1er mai 2017, le comité de soutien et d'autodéfense juridique de la CLAC vous invite à :
>> To make a donation to support our comrades, please click here.
>> To send them a letter directly, please click here.
On the night of January 5th, Carlos - a comrade from Mexico, and Amelie and Fallon - two comrades from Canada, were arrested in relation to a Molotov attack on the Ministry of Communication and Transportation and a Nissan dealership in Mexico City. The three have since been held in detention and have limited contact with anyone, including their lawyer, and Amelie and Fallon have also been visited by the Canadian consulate. Though they were initially accused of property destruction, the three may now face additional charges of sabotage, organized crime, and terrorism. If these charges are brought forward, bail will not be possible and deportation for the two from Canada is highly unlikely. All three would then be held until trial without the possibility of release. Due to the possibility of their charges falling under the anti-terrorism law, there is a 48-hour extension to how long the comrades can be held by the Mexican Central Investigative Agency before their charges must be finalized - this extension has already been granted, and can be renewed several times. These charges come at a time of intense crackdown by the Mexican state on anarchists; from attacks on demonstrations, torture of arrested comrades - including the torture and deportation of Gustavo Rodriguez, and barring the entry of Alfredo Bonanno. The state is now attempting to spin a narrative of foreigners coming in and causing disruption, thus ignoring and even erasing the rich history of anarchist struggle against the state in Mexico. Over the past few years in Mexico City, an insurrectionary anarchist struggle has intensified. Bombings of banks and churches, among other institutions of domination, have taken place frequently, and solidarity with insurrectionary anarchists in Mexico and worldwide has been central to these actions. We must recognize that the repression and penalization that comrades are facing now occurs in this context. Regardless of the guilt or innocence of these specific comrades, we want to express solidarity, complicity, and a strong desire to see attacks on the state and capital continue and spread. In reality, the Canadians causing disruption in Mexico are the mining companies and military technologies; the same ones that exploit unceded Indigenous land in Canada and elsewhere around the world. Given that capitalist exploitation and misery knows no borders, the struggle against capitalism and the state apparatus must not stop at national borders. Our strength lies in our capacity to recognize the commonalities of our struggles so that they may spread, and to act in solidarity so that the struggles of our incarcerated comrades may continue. We write this statement to express our deep solidarity with and love for our friends and comrades – Carlos, Amelie and Fallon. Although we are writing from a different context, it is critical that our solidarity is also with the struggle in which this action occurred. Our friends and comrades facing these charges are experiencing the intensity of repression. Our solidarity must meet that intensity with respect for where they stand, admiration for their strength, and a continuation of the struggle in Canada, Mexico, and globally. Love and freedom to the 5e three*, Prisoners to the streets, For freedom and anarchy, -- Friends in struggle |
To make a donation to support our comrades, please, write a cheque to: Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes
Please indicate "Mexico" in the memo line. And send to the following adress: CLAC-Montréal
c/o QPIRG Concordia 1455 de Maisonneuve O Montréal, Quebec H3G 1M8 To make cash contributions, you can visit QPIRG-CONCORDIA (1500 de Maisonneuve O., Montréal, suite 204) and give the cash to one of the Staff, between 12pm-6pm, Monday to Thursday. You can also make a donation online: |
To write to Fallon and Amélie:
To write to Carlos:
Directions, accessibilité, et plus à:
Soiree speciale “anarcho-punk”:
Voici certaines des bonnes choses que vous trouverez en venant a La Belle Époque ce soir-la:
Le vernissage d'une exposition de photos. Laissez-vous doucement plonger dans l'univers des concerts punk et des squats, un univers composé d'émotions, de gens et de lieux excitants.
La sortie d'un zine collectif réalisé par de bizarres, mais adorables personnes de Montréal. Elles vous parleront dans ces pages d'anarchisme, de santé mentale, de musique et d'idées punks, de tatouages, de la vie, et de quelques autres choses. Une certaine quantité de copies du zine sera disponible sur place. Pas de problème.
Une projection de film: venez passer du bon temps où simplement vous relaxer en regardant The Day the Country Died, un documentaire (Angleterre, 2007, 90 minutes) sur l'anarcho-punk, et plus précisément sur la scène anarcho-punk anglaise des années 80. L'amour du punk, la politique radicale, les idées et démarches DIY, tous cela sera au rendez-vous.
À manger! On fera en sorte de bien prendre soin de vos petits ventres, en vous préparant avec amour et tendresse de la bonne bouffe vegan.
C'est une soirée de soutien politique : tous l'argent récolté avec la bouffe et les photos vendues (oui, il sera possible d'acheter des photos de l'expo, pour la modique somme de pas cher) ira aux personnes arrêtées lors de la manifestation anticapitaliste du 1er mai 2012, par le biais de la CLAC, pour les aider a s'en sortir avec toute la merde judiciaire qu'elles doivent affronter.
Donc, amenez votre alcool, votre sourire, votre curiosité ou votre amour pour le punk et la politique radicale, votre enthousiasme, votre humeur joyeuse ou triste (on accepte les deux, pas de soucis), et tout ce qui vous parait nécessaire pour passer un bon moment. Et en retour, nous verseront du vin, du fun, et de l'amitié dans vos gorges et, bien sûr, dans vos cœurs.
The G20 Legal Defence Fund (Quebec) was founded by the assemblies of CLAC 2010 (Anti-Capitalist Convergence) and RAG20 (Regroupement des arrêtéEs du G20) in 2010, following the mass arrests in Toronto during protests against the G20. The purpose of the G20 Legal Defence Fund was to guarantee that everyone from Quebec facing criminal charges related to the G20 in Toronto had access to legal defence. Read more about the CLAC LEgal Suppor Fund fund here: Read more about the post-G20 fund here: At the request of the CLAC Legal Self-Defence and Support Committee, and in consultation with Je Donne à Nous ( and CLASSE Légal, the G20 Legal Defence Fund (Quebec) is expanding its mandate to include non-legal expenses related to arrests in the context of the popular movement in support of the student strike and during demonstrations organized by CLAC. The name of the fund will change from G20 Legal Defence Fund (Quebec) to the CLAC Legal Defence Fund. The CLAC Legal Defence Fund will follow new guidelines established by the CLAC Self-Defence Committee, in consultation with CLASSE Légal and Je donne à nous. Under these guidelines, the CLAC Legal Defence Fund will continue to support the remaining G20 cases. The CLAC Legal Defence Fund will remain under the oversight of a body accountable to the CLAC General Assembly. The current membership of the oversight body was originally ratified by CLAC and RAG20 in 2010. The fund can be contacted at : |
Our solidarity is stronger than their repression!
The G20 Legal Defence Fund in Quebec continues to raise money in support of all people facing charges in relation to the anti-G20 protests in Toronto in June 2010.
The Fund considers that all arrests occurred in the context of a legitimate struggle against the capitalist policies of the G20, and that all charges should be dropped immediately.
Defendant to ask that all bail conditions are rescinded, including ban on demonstrations
When: Tuesday, November 30, 10am
Where: Ontario Superior Court at 361 University Avenue
between Dundas & Queen Street
(for exact courtroom location, look for “Singh, Jaggi” on the court roll)
If you oppose the restrictive bail conditions imposed on all G20 “conspiracy” defendants – ban on demonstrations, house arrest, non-association, ban on passports and cellphones, and more -- we ask that you attend court in large numbers this TUESDAY.
Contribute to the G20 Legal Defence Fund in Québec!
Our solidarity is stronger than their repression
It’s been two weeks since we launched the “5000 x 5$” campaign to raise money for the G20 Legal Defence Fund in Québec. Thanks to everyone who has supported this campaign so far. We continue to ask for your support in promoting and contributing to this campaign, especially in the next few weeks as we attempt to meet our fundraising goal of $25,000 by December 17. Updated information is included below.