The State’s crackdown on those fighting for justice is relentless, but so is our commitment to resistance. More than a year of repression won’t silence us—if anything, it strengthens our resolve. Join us in supporting those who’ve been arrested, and help build a future where we rely on each other, not the institutions that work to oppress us!
Saturday, April 12th | 7:00 PM
Comité Social Centre-Sud
1710 Beaudry, Montreal
$15 at the door (No one turned away for lack of cash)
🎵 Mortier
🎵 Canette
…and more to be announced!
Beer, food, neckwarmers and t-shirts will be sold, and all funds raised will go directly to the CLAC's Legal Self-Defense Fund to support those arrested during solidarity actions and the ongoing struggle for justice.