Hey !
You are invited to a launch of three new zines pulled out of the podcast the Whole Orchard by CLAC this Thursday October 3rd at 6PM, at Café Philanthrope de l'UQAM (N-S1100, we'll put up some posters with arrows). ❗️❗️❗️☕
The three zines launched will be:
Le Centre Social Anarchiste l'Achoppe vous invite à ses projections un jeudi sur deux. Durant le mois de mars 2024, la thématique est l'abolition de la police et des prisons.
Jeudi 14 mars: Whoses Streets? (2017)
Jeudi 28 mars: Do Not Resist (2016)
Portes 18h30, Films 19h. Contribution volontaire. BYOP (bring your own popcorn)
La police et les prisons sont des institutions violentes et racistes, issues d'un héritage colonial, qui ne servent qu'à reproduire les injustices du système capitaliste. Tous les jours, même quand c'est la soi-disant paix sociale, la police violente, harcèle et incarcère les personnes les plus démunies et les plus opprimées. Et quand elles se soulèvent, c'est encore la police et la prison.
Nous partageons l'appel du Collectif 15 mars en vue de la manifestation annuelle contre la brutalité policière 2024.
Oyé oyé, La police nous fait chier, intimide et tue. Une camarade trans s’est fait arrêtée avec un feu d’artifice dans le cadre de la manifestation anticapitaliste du 1er mai 2021 et l’État confond visiblement un feu d’artifice avec une arme à feu, puisque celle-ci risque la prison. La judiciarisation de cette camarade est particulièrement inquiétante, elle risque de créer un dangereux précédent quant aux conséquences légales d’utiliser des feux d’artifice en manifestation.
Both police and prisons are institutions set up to maintain a capitalist and racist social order. Whether it's the commission of inquiry into the SQ after the Oka crisis, or the one following the 2012 student strike, there are always recommendations to restructure organizations or re-evaluate the use of this or that type of weapon. While the list of victims of police services and prisons grows longer in Quebec and elsewhere, the idea of investigations and reforms is still being bandied about. Worse, some are calling for more training or technological gadgets like cameras, which would only increase police budgets. If the current American crisis has taught us anything, it's that cameras are useless: Ahmaud Arbery's death was filmed, but it was only when the public rose up against the police, prosecutors and judges who tried to sweep the case under the carpet that the murderers were arrested. George Floyd's death was filmed, but it was only after three days of protests that charges were laid, initially against just one of the police officers involved. The total impunity of the police and the massive injustice of the prison system will not be solved by yet another reform. This impunity must be addressed by abolishing these institutions.
The second season of "The Whole Orchard" podcast will soon be available!
This year we'll talk about anticarceral feminism, police forces on indigenous territories & transformative justice, amongst other subjects. Until then, you can listen to the five episodes of the 1st season by searching "Le verger au Complet" on your favorite podcast platform or by going to the web site
Le milieu journalistique est scandalisé, avec raison, par les récentes révélations concernant la surveillance dont il fait l'objet. Pourtant, pour quiconque conteste le statu quo politique actuel, cela n'est guère une surprise.
Montreal's Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC-Montréal) invites you to an afternoon of skill sharing on the theme of resistance to repression Sunday, November 30, 2014 from 12:30 to 17h on the 7th floor of the Henry F. Hall Building of Concordia University (1455 boul. De Maisonneuve West, Metro Guy- Concordia).
2014 was a year of persistence in the face of repression. The protest on March 15th was repressed in its early stages, and that of May 1st was violently attacked. In 2014, Montreal was rated the second city in the world in terms of the number of arrests on May 1st.
Lieu: Devant l'hôtel de ville (275 Notre-Dame est, métro Champs-de-Mars)
*english follows*
Une réunion régulière du conseil municipal de Montréal aura lieu à l'Hôtel de Ville, le 24 novembre prochain. Invitons-nous-y pour dénoncer haut et fort le profilage politique de plus en plus flagrant à Montréal!
Justice for Victims of Police Killings: Annual Commemorative Gathering & Vigil
rendez-vous: 480 Gilford, métro Laurier (St-Joseph exit)
in front of the Fraternité des policiers et policières de Montréal
*Family-friendly; welcome to all! Rain or shine. *
*Please get in touch about any accessibility needs.*
*Organized by the Justice for Victims of Police Killings Coalition comprised of the family, friends and allies of Anas Bennis, Claudio Castagnetta, Ben Matson, Jean-François Nadreau, Quilem Registre, Gladys Tolley & Fredy Villanueva. *
*Endorsed by **No One Is Illegal-Montreal, Collectif opposé à la brutalité policière, la Coalition contre la répression et les abus policiers, Solidarity Across Borders, Coalition Justice pour Didier, Students of Colour Montreal, QPIRG Concordia, Montréal-Nord Républik, Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC)** and more.*
* DOWNLOAD the posters and flyers for the demonstration here:
* PICK-UP posters and flyers at QPIRG Concordia (1500 de Maisonneuve West,
#204, Monday-Thursday, 12pm-6pm)
* SHARE this e-mail callout widely.
* INVITE your friends via facebook here:
* ENDORSE this demonstration as an organization (e-mail
22oct.mtl@gmail.comto send your endorsement).
As part of Montreal's Week Against Prisons
Saturday, 10 August 2013, 10am to 5pm
Parc Lafontaine (Sherbrooke or Mont Royal metro)
Look for us near the corner of Parc-Lafontaine and Napoleon.
Full day of workshops from an anti-capitalist perspective on the theme of prisons.
Childrens' activities and childcare
Free lunch and snacks
Whisper translation EN-FR
Any specific accessibility needs? Please contact us (see below).
Association de défense des droits sociaux du Montréal-métropolitain (ADDS-MM)
Association Facultaire Étudiante de Science Politique Et Droit de l’UQAM (AFESPED-UQAM)
Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ)
BASICS Community News Service-Toronto
Centre d'appui aux Philippines / Centre for Philippine Concerns (CAP-CPC)
Centre de ressources éducatives et communautaires pour adultes (CRÉCA)
Centre des femmes d’ici et d’ailleurs (CFIA)
Centre social autogéré (CSA)
la Coalition Justice pour Anas