Nous partageons une initiative de la Coalition Pas Sages - Contre le comité de « sages » de la CAQ. Pour lire leur appel à l'action, dont la CLAC est signataire, visitez leur site web.
Où: UQAM DS-R510
Quand: 18 février 11h30
Nous partageons une initiative de la Coalition Pas Sages - Contre le comité de « sages » de la CAQ. Pour lire leur appel à l'action, dont la CLAC est signataire, visitez leur site web.
Où: UQAM DS-R510
Quand: 18 février 11h30
Sunday September 11 at noon at the A-M050 of 'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). While the attacks of the various police forces against indigenous peoples who defend the last inches of their territories continue, our governments are announcing with great fanfare the hosting of the COP15 on biodiversity from December 7 to 19 in Tio'tia:ke (Montreal), a conference where UN member states discuss their environmental policies. The hypocrisy is at its peak as the crisis is upon us.
Anti-G7 resistance is revving up! The yearly G7 meeting will happen on Friday June 8th and Saturday June 9th at the Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie. Is there a better place than a casino to welcome the corruption and collusion of the wealthiest powers of the world? The G7 summits are used by these seven presidents and prime ministers for shaping our world, and are therefore followed everywhere by the resistance against them. We won't leave them in peace!
The next organization meeting will be held on Saturday, November 18th from 1PM to 5PM at Comité social Centre-Sud, 1710 Beaudry, near the Beaudry metro station. The room is wheelchair accessible.
Saturday, September 23rd at 11AM, 1710 rue Beaudry, Montreal (Beaudry metro)
Proposed agenda: 1.Presentation/introduction/security informations/Medias 2.Latest News and G7/G8 - G20 back-ground 3.Table Turn : groups presentation 4.Strategy plenary (where, how, when) 5.Taking proposition extract from plenary 6.Organizational structure plenary and propositions
In 2018, the leaders of the seven wealthiest country of Western society will meet together for their annual summit at Manoir Richelieu, La Malbaie, in the Charlevoix region of Quebec. With them, a handful of invited countries, 3000 advisors and lobbyists of all kind, and 2500 reporters will pollute the area for two days, 8th and 9th of June 2018
People's Assembly
Thursday, November 3, 2016
At 1710, rue Beaudry (métro Beaudry)
Program for the evening:
Assemblée publique en vue du 1er mai 2015
14 avril
18:00 - 21:00
2515, rue Delisle, Montréal
Venez prendre la parole et venez nous parler de la mobilisation prévu dans vos secteurs d'activités le 1er mai!
Ceci est un appel à tous et toutes, syndicats, travailleurs et travailleuses, étudiants et étudiantes, groupes communautaires et autres à la cause de la journée de perturbation et de grève générale du 1er mai. L'objectif de cet événement vise à créer un espace de discussion ouvert pour motiver, se mettre en lien, se tenir aux faits et donner des idées aux gens qui ne savent pas trop comment faire le 1er mai 2015.
Faisons du 1er mai un moment historique pour le Québec et le début d'un grand mouvement de contestation.
On lâche rien !
Ouverture des portes 18h00
Début de l'assemblée 18h30
Ceci est une invitation du Popir Comité-Logement et de la Coalition du 1er mai 2015
The Whose City? Collective has noticed that many initiatives are being organized lately around the theme of gentrification.
Panels, discussions, research, denunciations, occupations, and demonstrations abound, generally rooted in local contexts.
Monday May 27 2013, after the annual Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, we hope to create a space where anti-capitalist allies from all over can reunite to discuss and reflect together, and to talk about what keeps us busy in the different cities where we live.
Spread the word among anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian comrades!
Let's continue to meet as anti-capitalists during this time of crisis.
Next Anti-Capitalist Assembly
Sunday Oct 14 , 1pm to 5 pm
*Concordia University, 7th fllor *1455 Maisonneuve West (metro:Guy-Concordia)
This is the 4th in a series of anti-capitalist assemblies since June called by the CLAC and open to all anti-capitalists. The assembly will create aspace free of the constraints imposed by the capitalist system, allowing new possibilities to emerge! The assembly will take the form of an open forum to follow up ongoing initiatives, propose new ones and discuss issues such as election results, amnesty for those arrested during the strike, and the future of student movement, neighbourhood assemblies and anti-capitalist assemblies.
Students who see the capitalist system in its entirety, including the imposition of austerity measures, as the root of the current crises; Members of neighbourhood assemblies who share an anti-capitalist analysis and autonomous practice in their struggles against gentrification; Workers who fight against the erosion of labour rights as part of a broader class war; Immigrants who refuse to be commodities traded across borders and disposed of when no longer needed; All who see through the false promises of capitalism, who don't believe in a 'democracy' that takes place once every four years, all who resist austerity ...
*Let's gather to continue our struggles together and expand them to include all of society. Our movement will grow through our solidarity.*
** Whisper translation (French to English).*
* * Wheelchair accessible.*
* * On-site childcare*
** Free Brunch at noon.*
* You are invited to come between noon and 1pm for a brunch/potluck.
* It will be an opportunity to socialize, especially for newcomers!
from 1pm to 5pm
(preceded by an anti-capitalist Brunch/Potluck from 11am to 1pm)
At the Centre Lorne, 2390 rue Ryde, in Pointe Saint-Charles (métro Charlevoix)
Spread the word among anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian comrades!
Assemblée publique du CSE : le G20, ses impacts chez nous et sur la planète
Vendredi, le 4 juin 2010
1710, rue Beaudry
(Comité social Centre-Sud, métro Beaudry)
17 h - Souper spaghetti (4$)
19 h - Début de l’assemblée