
Innu women speak out about the Plan Nord and violence against their communities. Activists will discuss their opposition to the massive industrial development plan being imposed on them by the government. They will speak about the impacts of the new infrastructure development north of the 49th parallel and its devastating cultural and environmental implications.

Event will be in French with simultaneous translation to English. Événement aura lieu en français avec traduction simultanée en anglais. Wheelchair accessible, and childcare available with 48 hours notice. Presented by the 2110 Centre for Gender Advocacy's Missing Justice campaign (Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) in collaboration with Regroupement de solidarité avec les Autochtones, Alliance Romaine, PASC and the Anti-Colonial Solidarity Collective.

With guest speakers Denise Jourdain, Élyse Vollant and Ellen Gabriel :

When : September 28, rally at 11 am, press conference at 11:30 am
Where: in front of the Hyatt Hotel, 1255 Rue Jeanne-Mance

The Anti-Colonial Solidarity Collective, the Regroupement de solidarité avec les Autochtones, the Projet d'accompagnement solidarité Colombie and Missing Justice invite you to come attend a rally, in support of a press conference that will be taking place featuring Élyse Vollant and Denise Jourdain, two Indigenous women active in resistance to the Plan Nord. The rally will take place at 11 am in front of the Hyatt. They will be speaking out about the business conference that will be occurring amongst profiteers on the inside, entitled "Position Yourself on the Plan Nord Chessboard". Among the representatives of the mining industry, politicians, and collaborating municipalities, there will also be certain Band Council Chiefs attending the conference, without whom these development projects would not be possible.

Come out in great numbers to support the voices of Indigenous women in resistance!

Élyse Vollant is an Innushkueu from the North Shore community of Uashat mak Mani-utenam. She is a mother of eight and grandmother of two. Elise is against the Plan Nord for future generations and has fought against it as one of the women who walked from Uashat mak Maliotenam to Montréal for Earth Day. She was also one of twelve women who were imprisoned following the blockade of route 138 in March 2012.

Denise Jourdain is a member of the Innu community of Uashat mak Mani-utenam, on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River. She presently teaches the Innu language to students at Johnny Pilot primary school. Denise is a direct descendant of the Vachon and Jourdain families who fought to keep their territorial rights in the 950′s, having defied municipal, governmental and ecclesiastical authorities. She too was imprisoned for having defended her people’s territorial rights in March 2012 during the blockade of route 138.

as part of the program of:

Sharing strategies of resistance to the Plan Nord and Colonization
*When : SATURDAY SEPTEMBER **29**, 10 am-5 pm*
*Where : 7th floor of Hall Building, Concordia University, 1455 boulevard
de Maisonneuve Ouest.*

preceded by :

DEFENDING THE LAND: Indigenous Women’s resistance to Plan Nord and community violence.//DÉFENDRE LA TERRE: la résistance des femmes autochtones au Plan Nord et à la violence dans leur communauté
*When : FRIDAY SEPTEMBER **28**, 6:30 PM-8:30 PM*
*Where : Concordia University, SGW, 1455 de Maisonneuve West, H-110*

Spread the word among anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian comrades!
Let's continue to meet as anti-capitalists during this time of crisis.

Next Anti-Capitalist Assembly
Sunday Oct 14 , 1pm to 5 pm
*Concordia University, 7th fllor *1455 Maisonneuve West (metro:Guy-Concordia)

This is the 4th in a series of anti-capitalist assemblies since June called by the CLAC and open to all anti-capitalists. The assembly will create aspace free of the constraints imposed by the capitalist system, allowing new possibilities to emerge! The assembly will take the form of an open forum to follow up ongoing initiatives, propose new ones and discuss issues such as election results, amnesty for those arrested during the strike, and the future of student movement, neighbourhood assemblies and anti-capitalist assemblies.

Students who see the capitalist system in its entirety, including the imposition of austerity measures, as the root of the current crises; Members of neighbourhood assemblies who share an anti-capitalist analysis and autonomous practice in their struggles against gentrification; Workers who fight against the erosion of labour rights as part of a broader class war; Immigrants who refuse to be commodities traded across borders and disposed of when no longer needed; All who see through the false promises of capitalism, who don't believe in a 'democracy' that takes place once every four years, all who resist austerity ...

*Let's gather to continue our struggles together and expand them to include all of society. Our movement will grow through our solidarity.*

** Whisper translation (French to English).*
* * Wheelchair accessible.*
* * On-site childcare*
** Free Brunch at noon.*

* You are invited to come between noon and 1pm for a brunch/potluck.
* It will be an opportunity to socialize, especially for newcomers!

R.-V. au coin Lafontaine et Cherrier
(près de la mare à canards)
14 h, le samedi 22 septembre 2012

Parce que la paix sociale ne s'achète pas à coup de promesses électorales ;

Parce qu'à la démocratie représentative, nous opposons la démocratie directe ;

Parce chaque jour, le capitalisme et son régime néolibéral fait de plus en plus de victimes ;

Parce que nous sommes solidaires des plus de 3 300 arrêtéEs depuis le déclenchement de la grève étudiante ;

Parce que la loi 12, toujours en vigueur, est illégitime ;

Parce que contre «la loi et l'ordre», nous restons debout et uniEs ;

Le samedi 22 septembre, formons un contingent anticapitaliste dans le cadre de la manifestation étudiante de la CLASSE.

Féministes, libertaires, anticapitalistes et autres insoumisEs, rejoignons-nous au coin Lafontaine et Cherrier (près de la mare à canards) à 14 h, le samedi 22 septembre 2012.

La lutte continue ! Aux luttes sociales, pas de réponse électorale!

When: Saturday the 29th of September, 10 am-5 pm
Where: the 7th floor of Hall, at Concordia University, 1455 boulevard de Maisonneuve West

The event will take place in two stages: a panel on Friday evening with indigenous women involved in resistance to colonialism, followed by an open forum on Saturday for sharing our strategies, with workshops and spaces for discussion. If you already have a workshop you would like to present on Saturday, you will be able to propose it during the open forum. The forum will serve to verbalize our paths of sharing and discussion, on an anti-capitalist and anti-colonial basis.

*15 SEPTEMBER 2012, 1pm*
*CÉDA, 2515 Delisle St. (Lionel-Groulx metro)*
** Starting at noon: welcome with snacks and coffee (with introduction for
*All welcome!*

This CLAC General Assembly will focus on creating a plan of action for the
coming months and sharing information about upcoming plans of various
Montreal anti-capitalist groups.


1- Introduction, presentation of the agenda

2- Several Montreal anti-capitalist groups present their plans


La lutte continue!
À la crise sociale, pas de réponses électorales!

Le 22 août, formons un contingent anticapitaliste et anti-électoraliste dans le cadre de la manifestation "nationale".
R-V: Lieu et heure à déterminer, sous les bannières anticapitalistes.


La lutte continue!
À la crise sociale, pas de réponses électorales!

Le 1er août, pour la 100è manifestation nocturne, formons un contingent anticapitaliste et anti-électoraliste.
R-V: Parc Émilie-Gamelin, 20h30, sous les bannières anticapitalistes.

Le 22 août, formons un contingent anticapitaliste et anti-électoraliste dans le cadre de la manifestation "nationale".
R-V: Lieu et heure à déterminer, sous les bannières anticapitalistes.


*Aux luttes sociales, pas de réponse électorale!*


Féministes, libertaires, anti-capitalistes, rejoignons-nous au *coin
St-Hubert et Maisonneuve à 13h30, le dimanche 22 juillet 2012,* autour de
la bannière *Aux luttes sociales, pas de réponse électorale!*

Drapeaux noirs, rouge/noir, vert/noir, mauve/noir, bienvenue!
