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Manifestation mercredi 7 décembre au matin! 3 départs:
Manifestation mercredi 7 décembre au matin! 3 départs:
A message from CLAC-allies. --- The Montreal Autonomous Tenants' Union is calling for a public demonstration this Thursday, 9am, at Lionel Groulx metro station. At 10am, police will be initiating one of 2022's largest encampment evictions, and one of the first major evictions of the fall season. We will move from Lionel Groulx to the site of the encampments.
On November 27th, at 2PM, at the corner of Dorchester/Greene (Atwater metro), the Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) is calling for a demonstration in solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en people of British Columbia, who are fighting the canadian colonial state.
Toutes les dernières infos pour la manif ! Les contingents, les autres événements le premier mai, les endossements et plus encore !
Another big protest for climate, what's the point?
Of course it'll be nice to have as many people as there was in 2019, but in the end, even Greta couldn't make our governments change their policies. Well, ok, it falls a few days after the federal election, and we can hope that it can put some pressure on the bewly elected officials... But we know it won't: whoever is in power after the elections, nothing significant will be done, nothing significant has ever been done for climate in so-called Canada. Since the beginning of colonization, the State steals, exploits and destroys the land on which we live and which, ironically, ensure our survival.
The pandemic we are mired in precarize everyone and highlights serious injustices. The stimulus wished by the leaders is an economic stimulus which is not addressed to us. It is not addressed to the artists and other people who don’t make enough profit to merit the right to exist. It does not concern sex workers, whose existence itself is still criminalized. This stimulus ignores handicapped people, the marginalized, those with mental health issues. The stimulus they talk about, it is for the oil companies, the Bombardier corporations, the party friends like Guzzo, but it is not for us. To let the governments save us from the crisis they created themselves through the constant cuts to healthcare and through their "snowbird" lives, would be to accept death. What we need to stimulate is not the economy, but the struggles for our rights and the end of capitalist exploitation.
In these times of pandemic, capital kills more than ever. Workers are left without equipment in hospitals. Confinement falls upon us because our government did too little, too late. Rich landlords who brought the virus back from their latest trip are angered by a rent strike that their penniless tenants have no other choice but to partake in. The people dying right now are among the most vulnerable, from grocery store clerks, to delivery workers, prisoners, homeless folks, and undocumented migrants. All of this while the most fortunate get to work from home. Nevertheless, social distancing remains an important way to reduce transmission, and this is why WE WILL NOT MEET PHYSICALLY FOR A MAYDAY PROTEST. We will however try to make resistance as visible as possible, given the difficult context.
The fight against climate change must break out of its rut. It must also fight the system of borders which benefits certain lives more than others. It must crush this capitalist economy which is always looking to produce more, more and more. It must fight the migrant prison being built in Laval, in which children are raised behind bars. It must fight imperialism which forces countries of the South to produce for a pittance what we consume here in the North. It must fight white supremacy, whether it takes the form of neo-fascist militia, conservative talking heads, or colonial governments which impose their law on unceded native lands. It must fight those who benefit from poisoning the Earth and from the exploitation of our sisters and brothers.
Last year, more than 168 groups from various sectors of society called for a mass protest against hate and racism. More than 2000 people took to the streets to denounce the rise of racism, hate and the far-right. The participating groups came together to reject the increasing discourse of hate and racism within Quebec’s public space, and called for a society without borders, based on solidarity and inclusion.
Now as before, they are rich because we are poor.
The financial masters of the Western world and seven of their political puppets will meet later this year at la Malbaie. They will fight to continue the exploitation of the global South and the pillaging of natural resources. The G7 will be a magnificient circus, paid for by our own exploitation. Paid by those who break themselves at work, by cut to social services, to education, to healthcare, to human dignity. A circus which will encourage free work given by unpaid internship, which will support the staggering profits of real estate moguls forcing us outside our homes. A circus whose sole goal is to promote an immoral statu quo. Imperialism and colonialism will be celebrated, at the expense of those who produce most of the world's wealth. But it is not too late to fight back.
Time and place soon to be announced!
Mark your calendars!
Perturbons l'assemblée annuelle des actionnaires de la Banque Nationale !
They are rich because we are poor and we are right to revolt!
Organize and join us for the Anticapitalist MayDay 2017
We're reaching out to allied groups and individuals all over so-called “Canada” because we want to organize an anti-colonial Anti-Canada day on July 1st in Montreal. We'd like to propose you do the same in your city, to have demonstrations, events, disruptions and anti-colonial actions all across Canada.
Dimanche, le 6 novembre 2016
La CLAC vous invite à l'action-surprise : crosseur de demain, on se met dans ton chemin !
À 14h, au Parc Jean-Brillant
(coin Jean-Brillant et Gatineau, métro Côte-des-Neiges)
Ce jeudi, entre midi et 14h, le premier ministre français, Manuel Valls, sera à Montréal pour s'entretenir avec Justin Trudeau et Philippe Couillard sur les « occasions d'affaires découlant de la mise en œuvre de l'Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l'Union européenne ». Ce sont donc non pas un, mais trois premiers ministres, trois chefs impérialistes, qui se réuniront ici même, à Montréal, en une seule et grande mise en scène de fraternité politique et de collaboration économique entre les classes dominantes des pays concernés. À cela s'ajoute une vingtaine de délégations de multinationales canadiennes et françaises qui commanditent l'événement, organisé par nul autre que la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain.
Rassemblement devant le club St-James, coin René-Lévesque/Union (métro McGill)
Jeudi le 29 septembre 2016 à 11h00
Encore une fois, des mégalomanes à cravates essaient de nous faire passer un pipeline de sables bitumineux sous le nez. Cette fois-ci, c'est l'Association Pipeline qui organise un dîner-conférence "Les pipelines sont-ils pertinents en 2016 ?", avec un conférencier catapulté directement de la corporation Transcanada, financière du pipeline Énergie Est.
Appel à un contingent anticapitaliste lors du rassemblement organisé par la Coalition Solidarité Montérégie pour les services publics et les programmes sociaux et l'Assemblée de mobilisation citoyenne pour les centres de la petite enfance (AMC-CPE), devant le forum des "idées" du PLQ.
Date et heure : Vendredi 23 septembre, 18h30
Rendez-vous du contingent : collège Champlain, 900 Riverside, à quelques minutes à pied du métro Longueuil