While the situation in Canada is less catastrophic than in other parts of the world, we are all feeling the weight of increasingly worrisome inflation. Prices are rising faster than wages and we are left with no real leverage to act on the situation. In the neoliberal order, the bourgeois do what they want and people suffer without saying a word. Rents, groceries and transport are an increasing burden on us, and it is a safe bet that things will not get any better.
Sunday September 11 at noon at the A-M050 of 'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). While the attacks of the various police forces against indigenous peoples who defend the last inches of their territories continue, our governments are announcing with great fanfare the hosting of the COP15 on biodiversity from December 7 to 19 in Tio'tia:ke (Montreal), a conference where UN member states discuss their environmental policies. The hypocrisy is at its peak as the crisis is upon us.
*** Attention : des dates et heures ont changé
Joignez-vous à nous dès 19h, il y aura de la bouffe (amenez votre contenant et ustensiles si possible). Les projections auront lieu à 20h. S'il pleut, les projections auront lieu à l'intérieur.
CLAC invites you to three nights of projections this summer. At 7pm, we gather around food (bring your container and utensils if possible) and the projection starts at 8pm. In case of rain, everything will take place inside.
Les ateliers se tiendront un samedi sur deux, a partir de la mi-juillet, à 19h dans la cour du DIRA (2035 Saint-Laurent): 17 juillet : Historique du rôle des infrastructures de transport et de communication dans le projet capitaliste colonial québécois 31 juillet : Réaménagement du territoire en cours et à venir : la stratégie maritime du Québec 14 aout : Résistances à la réorganisation urbaine, stratégies et pratiques
Given the current situation, the day of workshops "Ecology, anticapitalism and resistance" planned for Saturday, March 28th at the SCPA is postponed to a future date. The date will be announced when it gets clearer what this future has in store for us.
Cette invitation s’adresse aux militant·e·s directement impliqué·e·s dans les luttes de la gauche radicale. Ne pas transférer sur des listes publiques!
Monday, February 25th, 2019, at the Hall building of Concordia University (1455 Maisonneuve W.), room H-110.
Join Cinema Politica Concordia for the Quebec premiere of the Emmy-winning documentary WHITE RIGHT: MEETING THE ENEMY, in which director Deeyah Khan meets with U.S. neo-Nazis & white nationalists and investigates the resurgence of far-right extremism in the country.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion about work with the following speakers:
[Official page of the event: https://antig7.org/en/node/80]
The teach-in will take place on Saturday, April 21st, from 9:30AM to 5:00PM at the SCPA, at 2149 Mackay (near the Guy-Concordia subway station). The planned schedule is:
Note that the workshops will take place in French. A self-defense (Muay Thai) workshop will also take place, but you must first confirm your presence at rrag7-legal@antig7.org
Anti-G7 resistance is revving up! The yearly G7 meeting will happen on Friday June 8th and Saturday June 9th at the Manoir Richelieu in La Malbaie. Is there a better place than a casino to welcome the corruption and collusion of the wealthiest powers of the world? The G7 summits are used by these seven presidents and prime ministers for shaping our world, and are therefore followed everywhere by the resistance against them. We won't leave them in peace!
The next organization meeting will be held on Saturday, November 18th from 1PM to 5PM at Comité social Centre-Sud, 1710 Beaudry, near the Beaudry metro station. The room is wheelchair accessible.
Le 10 octobre prochain se tiendra un salon d'information du GRIP UQAM entre 11h00 et 18h00 dans l'Agora du Pavillon Judith-Jasmin de l'UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal). Ce salon sera suivi d'un panel à propos de l'écologie sociale animé par les différents comités qui composent le GRIP UQAM. Ce panel se tiendra de 19h00 à 21h30 dans le Basilaire (J-2850). Venez vous informez et discuter en grand nombre!
Saturday, September 23rd at 11AM, 1710 rue Beaudry, Montreal (Beaudry metro)
Proposed agenda: 1.Presentation/introduction/security informations/Medias 2.Latest News and G7/G8 - G20 back-ground 3.Table Turn : groups presentation 4.Strategy plenary (where, how, when) 5.Taking proposition extract from plenary 6.Organizational structure plenary and propositions
In 2018, the leaders of the seven wealthiest country of Western society will meet together for their annual summit at Manoir Richelieu, La Malbaie, in the Charlevoix region of Quebec. With them, a handful of invited countries, 3000 advisors and lobbyists of all kind, and 2500 reporters will pollute the area for two days, 8th and 9th of June 2018
Faced with mass media owners and other public opinion pundits, stack the odds in your favor! Meet us to pick up the CLAC's mobilization material for this year's anticapitalist MayDay... and come drink a beer in good company!